2022 Update

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A long time has passed since my last blogpost. A lot has happened since then.
I moved the blog to a new Website, which I intend to use as a general purpose website for myself. The blog will be one part of this site. I want to post semi regularly again and give short updates on the projects i will be working on in the foreseeable future. Maybe I will also add more guides to the guide section of the new site.

Concerning my bachelors thesis. A lot happened since the last post. We decided to leave blender behind as it proved to complicated to work with. We switched to NVIDIA’s lightweight rendering framewor Falcor, which proved a lot easier to understand and adapt. At the time I write this post I already finished my thesis and received my bachelors degree. You can read all about it in my publicated thesis “Incemental Updates of Path-Traced Scenes during Editing”.